Monday, November 28, 2011

Last Thoughts

Women are sexualized in numerous ads, in almost all of these ads there is a specific stereotype that the model must fit: thin, but voluptuous. Advertisements continue to put unhealthy pressure on women, and with growing expectations to fit the “perfect” image, come an increase in unhealthy eating habits. The sexualization of women also continues to objectify women, which not only causes bad images for younger children, but also allows males to think it is okay to portray women in a demeaning image. 
While working on this blog I showed a friend some of the ads I was dealing with in order to see what her response would be -- her open jaw said it all. She went on to simply state they were all "degrading" towards women. While everyone may not have the same negative view on these ads, I believe it's safe to assume many women who see these find them less than flattering in presentation, and offensive in at least the slightest degree. 

The most shocking part of the above advertisements may very well be their variety. Some of the ads use a humorous twist in order to get their point across, the following portrayed a nude woman chopped up as if she were meat and the next focused solely on the breasts of one, and still others depict women in what seems to be a private moment. All of these different techniques are used to sell their product, but in doing so they take away a woman's credibility as well as her dignity. The similarities and differences between the ads further depict just how easy it is to show women in a light that causes them to feel uncomfortable. 

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