Monday, November 28, 2011

Juicy Lucy

The depiction of the naked woman at the bottom of the page — whose given name is Juicy Lucy — blatantly demeans women in that she is literally portrayed as a piece of meat. Also, “Juicy Lucy” has been placed in a seductive pose where she is looking back at and luring a male audience. Glancing back over her shoulder makes "Juicy Lucy" seem as if she is okay with the position she has been placed in and is purposely trying to pull men in. While this may attract male customers, the depiction of the naked divided up woman objectifies women by portraying her just as the cow below is shown. Juicy Lucy seems to be the invention of a perfect female figure by someone with a very sexist imagination. Her pose and body being divided up only go to further support the sexism that is presented in her name. Susan Bordo, author of Hunger as Ideology, discusses the unhealthy pressure that is put on women by ads which sexualize the female body. Advertisements such as this draw attention to the female body; not only do they give society an image of what a woman should look like but also cause women to feel the need to fit these stereotypical views. Unlike the previous advertisements this one does not attempt to take a humorous stance, instead it is blatantly disrespectful to women because it essentially portrays them as nothing more than meat. Equating a woman's body to meat is degrading in numerous ways, however the most degrading in my view is the idea that if a woman is meat she is nothing else. A woman's body divided into pieces reinforces that she is something to enjoy just as food, she is not equal to men, nor does she have the capacity to ever be. Even if this ad were produced "all in fun," this portrayal of the female body allows children and others to believe this is okay without completely understanding the hidden meanings behind it. 

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